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Clean, Consistent, and Secure: Essential Tools for Every Python Developer

Python is one of the most popular programming languages developers use worldwide, and it’s known for its simplicity, readability, and ease of use. However, as with any programming language, it’s essential to use tools to help you write clean, secure, and efficient code.

In this post, we will explore some of the standard tools in Python that all developers should know.

Table of Contents


pipx is a command-line tool that can install and manage Python command-line tools in isolated environments. It creates a virtual environment for each tool you install and then installs the tool inside that environment. This ensures that the tool and its dependencies are isolated from your system Python installation and any other tools you have installed.

Using pipx has several benefits for developers who work with command-line tools:

  • Isolation: pipx allows you to install command-line tools in isolated environments, avoiding conflicts between different tools and their dependencies. This helps to prevent issues with version conflicts and ensures that each tool has access to the specific versions of the dependencies it needs.
  • Ease of use: pipx makes installing and using command-line tools easy. Once you have installed pipx, you can use a single command to install any tool you need without worrying about the installation process’s specifics.
  • Security: By isolating command-line tools in their environments, pipx can help to prevent security vulnerabilities that might arise from conflicts between tools and their dependencies.
  • Manageability: pipx makes it easy to manage the tools you have installed. You can use a single command to list all the tools you have installed and another command to uninstall a tool if you no longer need it.

You can install pipx using pip, the default Python package installer:

python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath

pipx provides a convenient and reliable way for developers to manage command-line tools in Python. It can help ensure that tools are installed and managed consistently and reliably and can help prevent conflicts and other issues that might arise when working with multiple tools and their dependencies.


black is the uncompromising Python code formatter. It reformats your code to ensure it is consistent and easy to read. It automatically applies rules to your code and reformats it accordingly. black ensures your code is uniform and follows the PEP 8 style guide. It’s easy to use and can be integrated into your development workflow and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.

To format your Python code using black, you can use the following command:

black <filename or folder>


isort is a Python library that sorts your Python imports alphabetically and automatically separates them into sections. isort ensures your imports are clean, consistent, and easy to read and helps to avoid circular dependencies. It can be integrated into your development workflow and CI/CD pipeline.

To sort your Python imports using isort, you can use the following command:

isort <filename or folder>


ruff is an extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust. It checks your code for common errors and issues. It can help you catch bugs early in development and ensure your code is correct and efficient. ruff can be integrated into your development workflow and CI/CD pipeline.

Again, ruff is extremely fast.

To check your Python code using ruff, you can use the following command:

ruff <filename or folder>


vulture is a Python library that detects unused code in your project. It can help you identify and remove no longer needed code to improve performance, reduce complexity, and minimize the codebase’s surface area. vulture can be integrated into your development workflow and CI/CD pipeline.

To detect unused code using vulture, you can use the following command:

vulture <filename or folder>


bandit is a Python library that checks your code for security vulnerabilities. It can help you identify potential security risks in your code and take measures to prevent them. bandit can be integrated into your development workflow and CI/CD pipeline.

To check your Python code for security vulnerabilities using bandit, you can use the following command:

bandit <filename>
bandit -r <folder>


flake8 is a Python library that combines the functionality of multiple code quality tools into a single tool. It checks your code for syntax errors, style issues, and logical errors. flake8 ensures that your code is consistent and follows best practices, and it can be integrated into your development workflow and CI/CD pipeline.

flake8 <filename or folder>


safety is a Python library that checks your code for known security vulnerabilities in your dependencies. It can help you identify potential security risks in your project and take measures to prevent them. safety can be integrated into your development workflow and CI/CD pipeline.

To check your Python dependencies for security vulnerabilities using safety, you can use the following command:

safety check

These tools are important for ensuring that your Python code is clean, secure, and efficient. They can be integrated into your development workflow and CI/CD pipeline to catch bugs early in the development process, improve performance, and reduce complexity. Using these standard tools in Python can help you write high-quality code and improve your development process.

Nicholas Nadeau, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Nicholas Nadeau, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Founder / Fractional CTO

Nicholas Nadeau is a fractional CTO empowering startups with next-gen technology expertise, and a passion for driving corporate innovation. Stay informed on cutting-edge hard tech trends - subscribe to my newsletter. Ready to innovate? Discover my services and accelerate your growth.