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Attracting Senior Talent for Your Startup: How Fractional Experts Can Help

Hiring senior talent for your startup can be daunting. Not only is the pool of potential candidates smaller, but it’s also a high-stakes hire that can significantly impact your company’s success.

But don’t let that stress you out. With the right approach and resources, you can find and recruit the senior employees your startup needs to thrive.

Fractional CTO

One essential resource for finding and recruiting senior talent is a fractional CTO. A fractional CTO is a professional who provides expertise and experience in technology and engineering but only works with your company on a part-time or project basis. You can benefit from their skills and knowledge without hiring a full-time employee.

One of the key benefits of working with a fractional CTO is that they can help identify and recruit senior engineering talent. Because they deeply understand the technology and engineering industry, they can help you identify the skills and experience needed to support your company’s growth, and create personalized outreach plans and strategies to attract senior-level candidates. Moreover, they often have a deep network of contacts and connections that they can leverage to quickly find the right person and skillset for the role.

“To be successful at approaching, attracting, and hiring the more senior folks, […] ask yourself ‘is it substantially better than what they have?’"

~ John Fleischauer, CEO @ Pivot + Edge

A fractional CTO can help you sell the company, role, and benefits to potential senior-level candidates. As the Pivot + Edge CEO and Chief Hiring Officer, John Fleischauer, explains, “To be successful at approaching, attracting, and hiring the more senior folks, you have to take into consideration the factors by which the person is evaluating the opportunity and ask yourself ‘is it substantially better than what they have?’” A fractional CTO can help you understand and communicate the unique value proposition of your startup to potential senior-level candidates.

Indirectly, senior talent may be attracted to a company if they see a fractional CTO they want to work with. It signals that the company values the importance of technology, innovation, and is committed to staying up to date with the latest technological advancements. Working alongside a fractional CTO can be a big draw for senior talent. It offers them the chance to learn from an experienced industry expert and be part of an organization dedicated to driving innovation and success.

Fractional Talent Team

Hiring senior talent can be a challenging and costly process. The competition for experienced professionals is fierce, and the traditional recruitment agencies that promise to help you find the right fit often come with high fees and no guarantee of success. This is where a fractional hiring team, such as Pivot + Edge, can help set your startup up for success.

A fractional talent team offers a unique approach to talent acquisition that helps startups attract, engage, and hire the right people to grow their business. The goal is to simplify the hiring process while improving employee retention, thus saving recruitment costs.

One of the biggest advantages of working with a fractional talent team is that it can save your startup significant money. Rather than paying traditional recruitment agencies 15-30% of annual base salaries, their fixed pricing allows you to hire for a fraction of the cost. This helps you save money and enables you to invest those resources back into your business.

“This approach ensures that we’re not just finding candidates who look good on paper but are a good fit for the startup.”

~ Nicholas Nadeau, Founder @ Nadeau Innovations

But it’s not just about the cost savings. A fractional hiring team is a fully functioning talent acquisition engine, providing your startup with the recruiting infrastructure needed to hire the right people. This includes people, process, and technology, all designed to help you find and retain top talent.

As Nicholas Nadeau, founder of Nadeau Innovations, notes, “Pivot + Edge works closely with your startup to understand your needs, goals, and culture and uses that knowledge to find the right people for your team. This approach ensures that we’re not just finding candidates who look good on paper but are a good fit for the startup.”

Creative Strategies

In addition to working with fractional experts, there are other strategies you can use to find and recruit senior talent. For example, you can create a referral program to increase the pool of qualified candidates or look inward to promote current employees who best represent key company values. Fractional experts can help guide you through this process by leveraging creative and alternative strategies to get the people you need when you need them.

Hiring senior talent for your startup can be challenging, but it’s possible. By working with fractional experts and implementing creative strategies, you can find and recruit the senior employees your startup needs to succeed.

Nicholas Nadeau, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Nicholas Nadeau, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Founder / Fractional CTO

Nicholas Nadeau is a fractional CTO empowering startups with next-gen technology expertise, and a passion for driving corporate innovation. Stay informed on cutting-edge hard tech trends - subscribe to my newsletter. Ready to innovate? Discover my services and accelerate your growth.

John Fleischauer
John Fleischauer
CEO / Chief Hiring Officer

John Fleischauer–or as he’s better known–bigtalljohn–is on a mission to help small businesses out-compete big corporate conglomerates in the war for talent. You can find him adding to the conversation on LinkedIn @bigtalljohn.