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How I Used Python to Monitor Santé Québec's Vaccine Website to Get the First Available Appointment for My Age Group

I really wanted my vaccine and I wanted to be first in line when it was my turn.

Québec has been doing a vaccination rollout plan based on age groups and we register for our vaccine through a web portal. There’s also a summary page that shows the vaccine availability per region by age group.

Québec’s vaccination plan

Santé Québec also has a great Twitter account that has been keeping us informed of daily statistics, major announcements, and the rollout plan.

The Opportunity

Thanks to some commenters on Twitter, I also noticed that the website would allow registration of the next age group the day before the planned opportunity. This was most likely due to allowing the CDNs time to propagate any changes and to debug any problems before the rushing waves of registrations.

Commenters noticing the website was ahead of schedule.

Regardless, I saw my opportunity.

The Plan

I put together a quick Python web scraping script to monitor for changes on the website. As I’m part of the 30+ age group, I waited until the day before my official opportunity to monitor the change from 35+ to 30+.

Original 35+ age group

The Tool

My tool’s design was quite simple and terrible for anything that isn’t a gorilla tactic like I did.

Please don’t use infinite loops in real life. Do as I say, not as I do.

I used requests-html to scrape and render the website content. Since my home PC with the loudest speakers is Windows-based, I used the built-in winsound module to create a really annoying alert.

I also noticed that the webpage was really simple and I could just splitlines(), look for the index of Montréal, and keep an eye on the next value in the list which was the age group.

COVID-19 Ouverture de la vaccination dans votre r�gion | Portail Clic Sant�
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COVID-19: Ouverture de la vaccination dans votre r�gion
Groupes cibles
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
Mauricie et Centre-du-Qu�bec
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
18 ans et plus
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Politique sur la protection des renseignements personnels et confidentiels
Ce site utilise des t�moins (Cookies) afin de vous offrir la meilleure exp�rience possible. Pour plus d'information, visitez notre: Politique de protection des renseignements personnels et confidentiels

The Script

import logging
import winsound
from time import sleep

from requests_html import HTMLSession

URL = ""
KEY = "Montréal"

    format="'%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'", level=logging.INFO

def alert_me():
    while True:
        # the fifth A is 440 Hz
        winsound.Beep(frequency=440, duration=1000)

def main():
    last_value = None

    while True:
        # load webscraping session
        session = HTMLSession()
        r = session.get(URL)

        # get lines of text from page
        lines = r.html.text.splitlines()

        # fetch location to watch
            key_idx = lines.index(KEY)
        except ValueError as e:
        watched_idx = key_idx + 1

        # check value
        if not last_value:
            # set our watch value
            last_value = lines[watched_idx]
  "Setting watch value to: {last_value}")
  "{KEY}: {last_value}")
        elif last_value != lines[watched_idx]:
            # found something, break loop
            break"{KEY}: {last_value}")

    # ring alarm

if __name__ == "__main__":

The Result

At 3:43PM on May 9th, Santé Québec tweeted:

I wasn’t the only one who was prepared:

My script was running, I was ready.

At around 4PM my script’s alarm started blaring! By 4:19PM I was booked for the first slots.

My appointment

Nicholas Nadeau, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Nicholas Nadeau, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Founder / Fractional CTO

Nicholas Nadeau is a fractional CTO empowering startups with next-gen technology expertise, and a passion for driving corporate innovation. Stay informed on cutting-edge hard tech trends - subscribe to my newsletter. Ready to innovate? Discover my services and accelerate your growth.
